
It's a Family Tradition

It's a Family Tradition

March 7, 2025 by Julie Elliott

I remember that day from the late 90s so well. I was on a phone call with important people in Washington, D.C. about a project that was helping to transform our business from concept to reality. My toddler son entered the room, and I shot him the look followed by a “shhhh,” as he climbed up on my lap. A few minutes passed with him sitting obediently and I thought I had dodged the bullet, but just as the call was wrapping up, he turned his sweet face toward me (and right into the phone) and said, “Mommy, I can’t get this boogie out of my nose.”

Honestly, I don’t remember what happened next on the call, but I very much recall my emotions. Those were the days before work from home was widely accepted, so the temptation was to feel embarrassed or to apologize. In that moment, though, I had this overwhelming sense of what really mattered, and that big deal suddenly was no longer THE big deal.

Julie Crook always says, “family first, that’s what we do.”

I joke that nepotism is a core value at Inside Information as we have frequently hired family members. For instance, did you know Michele Cavin is my niece?

We go waaaaay back. That's me, reading to Michele, on Grandpa and Grandma Bressler's couch, circa 1970-something. 

Our family focus is obvious in interactions with clients. As I walk through the office, I often overhear our team checking in on clients and their family members during client calls and it warms my heart. Of course, when Patrick Lane hears of a concern within our client family, he’s quick to add the need to his list, ensuring it will be mentioned in our weekly team prayer huddle.

Callie, our newest team member, faced a challenge as her daycare closed for a week due to bad weather. She shared with me about trying to juggle work around naptime and how her son had hung up on a fellow team member during a call and how she looked away for just a minute and turned back around to find him with not one but two paintbrushes in his mouth. “I’m sorry I have not been able to be very productive,” she said. I just smiled and said, “Whatever project you’re working on that seemed like a big deal is not the big deal today.”

Our new intern, Callie's son Nolan.

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A great way to segment communication is to enrich your member file with age and presence of children. Email Julie Crook at to learn more.

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